Could My Acne Foaming Wash Actually Cause More Acne?

4 Ways You Can Boost Your Looks In No Time

After investing good money in good quality acne foaming wash for your face, it’s only natural for you to want it to do what it says on the packaging. So, if after using it diligently for a couple of weeks, you feel that you’re actually getting more spots – what does it mean? Is it not working? Is that meant to happen?

The truth is that trying a new face wash for acne can result in more breakouts happening, but the reasons can vary, and they’re not always negative. 

Finding What Suits Your Skin 

In practice, it can be quite tricky to understand what is causing your skin problem, but often it’s simply a case that whatever it doesn’t like whatever you’re putting on it. Should those problems have started the moment you began using your new acne foaming wash, that’s most probably going to be the cause – especially if it shows no signs of clearing up. 

It could be that the ingredients you’ve introduced into your cleansing routine are having a reaction with your skin. Moreover, it might be that you’re using it incorrectly.

Using Your Wash Too Frequently 

One way in which you could be using your acne wash incorrectly is by using it too often. Benzoyl peroxide is something that is extremely effective at cleaning dirt and bacteria out of the pores, but you need to consider the sensitivity of your skin. Get it just right and no more acne! Get it wrong and you’ll end up with breakouts or irritation or both.

Even without benzoyl peroxide (BP) in the picture, washing your face too often can cause irritation on its own, as you can strip the natural oils your skin needs for good health. 

Clashing Skincare Products?

Another reason for breakouts appearing might be that your new foaming wash isn’t mixing very well with something else in your skincare regimen. For instance, retinol is not recommended for use with BP, as it negates the active ingredient, rendering it useless. 

Always check the label and do a little research online. A quick “Which products don’t mix well with xxxx” search on Google will usually be enough to tell you what you need to know.

It’s Not Necessarily a Bad Thing 

What you shouldn’t mistake your breakouts for is necessarily something bad – initially, at least. That’s because it could actually be an indication that your wash is doing what it’s supposed to! “Acne wash that makes your acne worse?” we hear you say, but don’t worry, we’re not going crazy. There’s a logic behind the statement. 

You see, as BP clears out the dirt and bacteria that are sitting under the skin, it can trigger a skin response that can look a lot like a regular breakout. However, this is normally short-lived, so if it carries on for more than a week or two, it’s likely something else. 

If In Doubt, Talk to Your Dermatologist! 

When talking about the long-term use of acne foaming wash, you shouldn’t be experiencing any kind of irritation after the first few weeks. The only reason why breakouts persist is that your wash isn’t working and it’s a matter of determining the cause as quickly as you can. 

If you’re struggling for answers and your online research is getting you nowhere, you’ve always got your dermatologist to consult with. Their expertise will normally get to the bottom of your issues and have you back on the right track in no time. 

Madness, they say, is doing the same thing over and over again in the same way and expecting different results. The same applies to treating acne. If your current approach isn’t working – try something else.