How to Design a Pantry

Jars with variety of pickled vegetables. Preserved food

What makes a pantry worthy of display? If it is looking a little drab or messy, it’s time for a revamp. This room hopefully is the one that is fully stocked and pristine, so the design needs to reflect the organized space it contains.

If you’re not sure where to begin redesigning your pantry room, we’ve got a few hints that will have it look amazing in no time at all. Read on for the best pantry organization ideas to give your room a new look. Let’s get started!

Plan Your Space

When you are planning your space, it is important to think about what you need in your pantry. A good pantry design should include storage for food, kitchen supplies, and cleaning products.

It should be easily accessible and organized so that you can find what you need quickly. Here are some tips to help you plan your space:

  • Store food in airtight containers
  • Use shelves and racks 
  • Label everything clearly
  • Use clear containers for glass or open packets
  • Keep a list of what you need

Keep It Light and Bright

It is essential to keep your pantry well-lit and bright. This not only makes it easier to find what you need but also helps to keep the space looking clean and inviting. Natural light is always the best option for illuminating a pantry room.

But if that is not possible, then good artificial lighting is essential. When planning the lighting, be sure to consider task lighting as well as general ambient lighting.

Add a Pop of Color

There are a few things to keep in mind when adding a pop of color to your space. First, be certain that the one you choose coordinates with the rest of the room. If you have a lot of wood in your pantry room, you might want to consider a bold color like yellow or red.

If you have a lot of white or neutral colors, you can go for a brighter shade. Also, assure that the color is something that you can live with for a while. You don’t want to select something that you will grow tired of in a few months. 

Lastly, you want to make sure that it will make the room feel inviting and warm. You wouldn’t want it to feel small or cramped.

Choose the Right Pantry Doors 

There are a lot of considerations when it comes to designing the perfect pantry room. But one of the best design ideas is to install saloon doors. This is a great way to add a touch of whimsy and charm to your space, while also being functional.

Having two doors allow more airflow. This can help to keep the room cooler, especially in the summer months. Finally, don’t forget to measure!

Make sure you calculate the opening of your pantry before you order a door, so you know it will fit. You can search for a website with saloon doors to help you decide which design is perfect for your kitchen pantry.

Top Pantry Organization Ideas

Pantry rooms are a great way to keep your food organized and easily accessible. There are several designs to choose from, so finding the perfect concept for your home should be easy.

With a little bit of planning, your pantry room can be both functional and stylish. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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