The Benefits of SD-WAN


Good connectivity is essential for any company with branches in different geographical regions in today’s world. Multiple service providers are offering these services. Over the past few years, many new networks have also been introduced to the market.

One such network is the SD WAN. The complete form of SD WAN is Software-Defined Wide Area Network. It is a modification of WAN or a Wide Area Network. WAN allows the transfer and sharing of information worldwide—the internet is itself considered a WAN.

This network is concerned only with the direction of traffic on the network. In this system, the control functions are handled by the devices part of the network.

Over recent years, it has gained momentum in the software world, and many companies around the globe prefer using this network.

The main benefits of using SD WAN are as follows:

Higher Level of Security

Network security is of utmost importance to companies. As these networks share and discuss confidential information, the network should provide safety and security.

As the concerned organisation has control over the functions of the network, required security measures can directly be taken. If specific activity is malicious, users can easily block them.

The network also provides tunnels, and users can direct the traffic to these tunnels. All these tunnels are encrypted.

Hence, this network allows the safe transfer of data through various providers without worrying about hacking or loss of sensitive data.


This network offers better services at reduced costs. The network already has many inbuilt connection points, so data transfer becomes more accessible with no additional charges.

The MPLS networks are considerably more expensive as fewer alternatives are available, and many companies have been utilising this network for a long time. 

The Software-defined network dramatically helps in solving this problem. It reduces expenses by providing many alternatives such as cable. 

This system works in favour of companies looking for affordable and high-efficiency networks.

As all the functioning policies of the network will be made by the concerned organisation, the cost of management and maintenance is also reduced.

Improves Network Performance

One of the main problems regarding WAN was the inefficiency of handling specific critical applications. However, the software-defined network can solve this problem by successfully prioritising traffic and directing this traffic.

Another property of this network that significantly benefits its users is the option to create specialised pathways based on requirements. In this way, users can direct the incoming traffic towards these paths.

If new sites are required, these sites can be directly added to the network by introducing the required data. 

In the case of WAN or MPLS networks, additional routers would need to be installed just to form new sites. By using Software-defined networks, users can overcome this problem.

Final Words

The SD WAN system greatly benefits its users by providing better services than the previously used WAN. Companies prefer using systems that are reliable and inexpensive. Hence, this network is selected by many organisations across the world.

The network also offers transparency in terms of data transfer. All the network channels can be tracked, and the company can record transfers using the network. All these qualities of this network make it an authentic alternative to previously used wide area networks. It offers a wide range of advantages over traditional networks.