What is the Procedure for Treating Infection Teeth with Root Canal?

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The root canal procedure is used to restore or save teeth that are severely decayed or are affected. The process is carried out in cases where the pulp composed of nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth gets damaged or infected. In root canal therapy, it is needed to remove the pulp while the tooth’s interior gets cleaned and is sealed.

Root canal surgery is feared by many people because they believe they’re painful. In reality, most people say that the procedure isn’t any more painful than getting a filling. The pain experienced before having dental treatments is uncomfortable, not the procedure itself.

Root canal Infection

Teeth aren’t completely solid all through; they’re composed of complex layers. The hard outer layer of a tooth is known as enamel, and the inner layer is known as dentin, a porous, sponge-like material. The center of every tooth is a collection of soft tissue, referred to as pulp. The pulp houses blood vessels and nerves that allow the tooth to expand. It’s filled with odontoblasts that help keep your teeth well-maintained.

A root canal eliminates the tooth’s pulp damaged or infected due to tooth decay or any other injury. Root canals are a great way to save teeth and are incredibly safe. The chances of developing a root canal infection aren’t that high; however, there is a slight possibility of a tooth becoming infected when a root canal has been completed.


1. Pain: 

The primary indicator of pain prompts patients to seek out dental treatment when confronted with a tooth canal infection. Root canal infections cause intense pain that can be felt for a while. The pain is more intense when you bite your teeth or put pressure on the affected tooth. 

You may also feel tooth sensitivity when consuming cold or hot drinks and foods. The discomfort can also result from gum inflammation, and the swelling causes the gums to become tender and red. The pain and swelling can be felt surrounding the affected tooth most of the time.

2. Tooth darkening: 

When the inside layers of the teeth become infected, the tooth could appear yellow or brown. Once the infection has spread to the pulp tissue, they turn dark brown, which changes the tooth’s color. In the process of root canal treatment, the necrotic or dying pulp tissue is removed, and the space will be filled with gutta-percha. The tooth is also given an implant to enhance its appearance.

3. Dental abscess: 

A dental abscess happens when the dying pulp material forms deep pockets of pus around the tooth’s root. It can cause severe discomfort and bad breath. A foul-smelling liquid can begin to leak from the abscess. A periodontist will remove the painful abscess during the root canal procedure and then clean out the bacteria to ease the pain.

4. Chronic bad breath: 

Patients who suffer from tooth canal infections typically suffer from persistent bad breath. When the smell seems to continue, despite flossing, brushing and using dental rinses, it is likely that an infection is present. The bacteria that cause disease in the tooth give an unpleasant Odor, and it causes bad breath and an unpleasant flavor in your mouth. The growth of an abscess may cause further harm.


1.  To treat an infection of the root canal, root canal retreatment is recommended to offer your tooth another chance. The retreatment procedure is identical to the original treatment for a root canal.

2.  If you need to retreat, your dentist or dentist will usually perform the following procedures:

3.  Check for dead or infected (necrotic) tissue in the root canal. Then, your technician will take an X-ray of your teeth.

4.  Local anesthesia is used around the region around the affected tooth with local anesthesia.

5.  Endodontic specialists will put a protective shield around the tooth to safeguard your mouth and gums.

6.  Utilize a dental tool to pass through the filling and enamel to the pulp area and the root canal.

7.  Dentists will clean up the area in which the tissue is either infected or dead. Also, remove any old filler material for the root or other medication that might have been present in the root.

8.  The area was dried and then filled in the area cleaned using non-toxic latex-based filler (gutta-percha).

9.  Fillings are used, such as Composite or amalgam, to shield the tooth and let it recover from the tooth’s infection.

10.  If needed, the dentist may cut away some of the enamel and then place a permanent crown on top of the tooth to guard it against further infection. Reach out to Root Canal Treatment in Coimbatore, and get rid of the pain.


In general, our bodies are incredibly efficient in fighting infections. However, our body can’t release antibodies against the tooth. If the root canal becomes infected, the chances are the nerves within the tooth will begin to die. If the dead nerve is not treated promptly, it will allow those bacteria that cause the infection.

In certain situations, dental professionals may need to take out the tooth that is dead or perform the root canal procedure to get rid of the pulp that is dead and take care of the infection. Consult the doctors from top hospitals in Coimbatore for root canal treatment.

The infection of the root canal is uncommon, but it can happen. Be aware of the first signs of an infection after having the root canal treatment. If you suspect that your root canal is infected, visit your dentist as fast as possible to have it treated.