Digital Marketing- A Novel Method

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a unique Technique which help in Promoting Brand in online market through many Digital devices like Laptop, computer, Mobile phones. With the help of Internet many technologies and applications have been developed to make our work more easy and comfortable. Digital transactions are been carrying out by people now a days as Many online methods have come in market like Phone pay,  Paytm , Google Pay etc. All this is Possible only through Digital Market. It has made the life of Individual more comfortable and smooth.

Features of Digital Marketing

There are numerous kinds of Features in digital market which also help us in Growing in online world. Some of them which are very essential in your online work are: –         

  1) first and Most important is low Cost process means it doesn’t require huge investment to startup your business through Digital market.

2) It help in making Communication Through User easily Means By sending simple Text message to customer and getting there response on the spot make a good communication and Satisfy both the buyer and seller.

3) Here we can promote any product which is helpful for an individual in any Aspect.

4) There are lots of Methods which help in Promotion through Digital market like Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram , YouTube which have already settled there place in users life no matter what the situation is it has been a trend To show your stories to others on these site. Pay per Clicks method is a Paid Promotion where promotion of any brand is made by making Ad or banner image in SEO so as to grab the attention of user toward our self. Email Marketing is also a great Method to make your brand popular through it by just sending the promotional mails to customers, here we can also select the type of user to whom we want to promote the brand or not.


Digital market has been classified into two main Categories that Is Pull and Push.

Pull- The name itself is giving information. Here the user has to search the website by itself according to its need and has to pull out all the schemes and discount related sites by making searches and have to spend lot of time in doing this. Here we are not bound with time limit as we can search site according to our Spare time and if at that time schemes is available then we can get. 

The major drawback of using this form is we will not get any advance messages or call regarding any Discount prevailing in our selected Sites. 

Push- In this form of Digital market the Marketer itself has to intimate the users about all the schemes , discounts , new website , new Product , change in Price of brand everything related to his site by sending Mails and messages to the Appropriate customers to whom we think are interested mostly in our services. Sending Messages to those who just waste time doesn’t make any sense. It will waste our time and Energy both.

Digital market cannot fail in any aspect. It will provide you with more and more benefits in coming year.

About the Author – Gaurav Digital is an SEO strategist with seven years of consulting experience. He has worked with major brands such as, known as best & affordable digital marketing institute in Delhi.