How To Effectively Combine Your Offline And Online Marketing Campaigns?


With more than half of all shopping being conducted on the Internet, online marketing is important. But, a lot of these online shoppers still first hear of businesses and companies while offline. They may hear radio ads, read newspaper or magazine ads, or meet you in person at an exhibition or expo, and then visit your website to complete a purchase.

Add Online CTAs To Your Offline Advertising

Setup dedicated landing pages to capture contact details, and for your print advertising or mailing campaigns. Using a dedicated landing page enables you to track the performance of your offline advertising, rather than assuming that any gains made are from a new campaign.

Draw more attention to your content with the help of Subscriberz, check out their wide range of social media services.

Offer a competition or vouchers to increase the uptake and improve the conversion rate of your campaign. Your readers and potential customers will be more likely to enter the URL and visit the page.

Use Hashtags And QR Codes In Your Print Advertising

By the time you’ve added a customized page to your site, and added the URL to your offline advertising, the URL can be extremely long and complicated. This will put a lot of users off, even with the appeal of competition or money off vouchers to entice them.

Consider using hashtags or QR codes. Hashtags are usually used on Twitter and can encourage your visitors to engage with you on social media. QR codes, on the other hand, can be used to link to any webpage or social media page. A lot of people have QR code readers installed on their phones, and many will be willing to install a reader if their phone doesn’t have one incorporated into it.

Continue The Story Online

One area where online advertising and marketing really excels is in engagement. It can be very difficult to get your potential customers involved in a discussion when they’re reading your advert in a newspaper. By persuading your offline marketing recipients to take the conversation online, you can improve your overall results.

Entice readers with your advertising. You can use an MMS messaging strategy to boost customer engagement. MMS, short for Multimedia Messaging Service, enables you to attach pictures and GIFs to your messages – making them stand out from your standard text message. In addition to using images, you can provide a link to your website. It is important to create a personalized landing page and incorporate a CTA (call to action).

An example of doing this would be to write an article or story for publication in a trade journal. In the article, you can include a link to find out more at or use the title of the piece as a social media hashtag and encourage online engagement.

Use Social Media To Drive Offline Marketing

Monitor your social media posts, blog posts, and your website. Determine your most popular content and use this in your offline marketing, as well as to further improve future online marketing results. If you have an image that has proven really popular on Instagram, use it in your magazine advertising or billboard campaigns. If there’s a particular topic that elicits regular and emotive responses on your blog and in your social media, consider basing a radio campaign on this.

While you might be targeting different individuals using different channels, you can use existing results to give a new marketing campaign a boost.

If you run a local business, such as a restaurant or takeaway, and you provide MoonWlkr Discount Code or group offers, incorporate the offer into your social media marketing or your email marketing campaign. Email the coupon to recipients so that they can show them when they visit and enjoy the savings offered. Using this technique, you can also offer recipients the opportunity to share the voucher or coupon or email a copy to friends – a great way to enhance your word-of-mouth marketing campaign.

Encourage User-Generated Online Content

As well as using existing content and your marketing and traffic results, you can just ask your social media users for their opinion.

Ask them what their favorite content is, get them to vote on which images, videos, or text to use. Not only will this give you a good indication of what your audience likes, but it will also engage your social media followers, create a conversation, and many of the respondents will also provide specific feedback, rather than just a generic choice of which content you should use.

Use Personal URLs In Your Mailing Lists

The problem with a lot of offline advertising campaigns is that it is difficult to get details of how well they are performing on an individual basis, and it is very difficult to personalize an ad campaign and see personalized results. Using personalized URLs, or pURLS, however, it is possible.

A personalized URL is exactly that. It is a landing page on your website that is personalized to a specific individual like and the page itself is personalized to Jane Doe. In its simplest form, this means using the name, Jane. It is possible to create entirely unique content based on the individual, but this is typically only viable for very high-ticket price items and highly targeted ad campaigns with only a handful of recipients.

When publishing any URLs in print media, it is best to use as short a URL as possible. This is especially true with pURLs. Use the pURL as your Call To Action on postcards or other direct mail campaign documentation – for example, “to see how our products can help, visit”.

One of the benefits of a pURL campaign is that it is possible to do all the work yourself or have your developers do it for you. Use your existing website template and simply create the customized subdomain for each of your targets, and then include the link to this subdomain in your marketing material.

Using pURLs, you can even track the journey of potential customers. You will know as soon as the recipient accesses their personalized URL, which means that the sales team can be tasked with a followup call or email after an allotted amount of time.

Add Digital Contact Info To Stationery

Whether you utilize pURLS or not, you need to include your digital contact information in marketing material. Whether you are having letter headed paper and other stationery printed, or you are creating brochures, flyers, or other marketing material, you should obviously include your website address.

You should incorporate your email address and can also link to social media profiles and any other online real estate. Provide an office or sales email address and consider adding things like QR codes and other online communication tools and details.

Live Tweet Conferences And Expos

Conferences and expos are a great way to expand the reach of your business in the physical world. They enable you, and others from your industry, to meet, network, and build meaningful connections. Traditionally, however, they tend to be restricted to the offline world.

You should brand the events, to help with your offline and general marketing. This means using branded displays, and you can even screen print your own corporate t-shirts, promotional gifts, and other ideas. This will also benefit your online efforts because shared videos and images will incorporate your own branding.

It is possible to combine these physical events with online outreach by live Tweeting the event. You can also post live video to Facebook and then share the video on YouTube. In fact, you can use hashtags on most popular social media websites, and with a social media manager or team, you can expand the reach of your event beyond four walls.

Not everybody will be able to physically attend the event, and by live broadcasting it, in various formats, you allow interest parties to get involved. You may even encourage some of your social participants to get involved next year.