Age Verification Solution for Minor Protection Online


The traditional methods of communication and interaction between the world are vanishing with time, and new techniques and methods are being developed for effective and fast interaction minimizing the barrier between the users. The technology industry is coming up with new ideas of communication almost every day which are efficient in reducing the gaps between the users. With the introduction of new ways of online interactions the online community is coming up with new ways of online trading, businesses and even offices are moving online with new ways of hybrid working techniques. 

With so much digitalization there are multiple risks arising every day leading to dangerous consequences. A major risk associated with the ease of online access is the exposure of children to age-restricted content such as games, trading, and business sites online. According to research, more than 77% of users that become prey to online scammers and illegal activists are children with the age of not more than 14 years!

Age Verification Solution – Protecting Online Community

The age verification solution is very efficient, especially for the protection of minors online when they try to access age-restricted content related to gaming and other aspects. The fraudsters lure the minors with the help of online games such as Fortnite by offering them in-game currencies and other rewards to perform illegal acts of theft and hacks as mentioned in the shufti pro news.

With the help of the age verification solution, the minors are restricted with the methods of proper identity verification and KYCC (Know Your Customer’s Customer) check to verify the user’s age and their interaction with other users online.

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The KYCC Process

The KYCC check is a coherent method of verification of the user, it uses the technique of evaluating the user’s interaction with other users and clients. In simpler terms, the KYCC check not just verifies the user, it also analyzes the audience of the user to create a secure online environment.

Talking about minors, gaming corporations are keen to check the activity of the user to determine their age after which the user is declared as age verified by the gaming engine. The age is evaluated by the KYC process of identification through which the user is verified by means of various techniques of identity verification such as document verification, biometric and address verification. 

Multiple new technologies are used by the KYCC process such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to create the identification patterns for evaluating customers’ customers.

Online Age Verification

Online age verification solution are being implemented to protect minors and other sensitive users worldwide. With the new techniques of online verification, the system performs multiple assessments to determine the age of the user. Many methods are used for processing age online including:

Document Processing for Age Verification

The user is alerted to provide the verification documents to be processed online. Those verification documents include identity cards and other legal paperwork through which the system can extract the date of birth of the user. The date of birth is extracted by means of new OCR systems through which the age is calculated in the backend of the system. 

Security Questions for Age Verification

Many online systems conduct surveys to gather user age data for the purpose of creating security questionnaires for their users. It asks for user input on multiple age-related questions to decide the age of the user. The security questions are created to gather an age-targeted audience and their responses. With the help of responses evaluation, the system verifies the user based on the user response.

Biometric Check for Age Verification

Some children tend to use different accounts of other users to access the content online. Many systems now perform a biometric check to make sure the right person is accessing the profile. With biometric scanning, the client is asked to submit their biometric data such as fingerprints and facial data. The latest mobile devices and online platforms have built-in features to scan the biometric data of users.

Liveness Detection to Detect Minors

Some critical systems that involve sensitive data related to finances and other aspects of information that the minors should not access perform a live detection of their user. The liveness detection process uses a real-time verification procedure to detect the user by the live video calling process. This method provides an extra layer of security for enhanced age protection of the user.

Wrapping It Up

Age verification is a process followed by many industries for the protection of their users online. The online digital platforms are full of content and information but it is not for everyone to access. The websites and information systems always ensure to put an age restriction to filter out the audience. Through this process, the users are always checked for their age whenever opting for any online system.